"The Rooftop Gardening Project is an innovative partnership between Alternatives, an international cooperation network, and Santropol Roulant, a community organisation in Montreal. Together we are making widespread rooftop gardening a reality in Montreal and around the world. Our novel soil-less gardens empower urban residents to produce their own food, green their neighbourhoods and build healthy communities.
From seed to the table, The Rooftop Garden Project has a unique perspective on what a community garden can yield. The food that we grow and harvest in the Montreal demonstration garden is cultivated entirely by volunteers and members of our community, and goes directly to nourishing seniors and others living with a loss of autonomy."
From seed to the table, The Rooftop Garden Project has a unique perspective on what a community garden can yield. The food that we grow and harvest in the Montreal demonstration garden is cultivated entirely by volunteers and members of our community, and goes directly to nourishing seniors and others living with a loss of autonomy."
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